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Post by Palin » Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:25 pm

Those were all retroactively included in the DKP system too, even when we went live, it was never said tanks couldn't roll on DPS gear, in fact that was the reason we discussed for lowering the tanking items to dirt cheap. I don't know where this is coming from. :?:
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Post by Swole » Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:59 pm

I don't really know where to begin, so I guess I'll just start somewhere.

The reason I have not responded until now, is largely because I didn't think it would do any good. I was being talked to and characterized in ways that were not conducive to productive discussion. How do I respond to some of the things that were said?

I do feel that Nay's initial comments were, if not a threat, at the very least, an attempt to leverage what he does for this guild to get what he wanted.
Swole wrote:Nay, I have to say, that sounded damn close to a threat and if that's how you were intending it, it's bullshit.
I purposely said, "if" because I was not sure and if Nay would have in any way indicated that his comments were not a threat, and that he did not intend to stop tanking, this could have ended. If his response had been what it was in his "jump the gun" post, I would have gladly apologized for misinterpreting his post, but based on the response it initially received, I felt it confirmed what I wrote.

As for Usha sicking me on you, Nay, nothing could be further from the truth. As he stated, there was a previous post that I told him I agreed with and he asked me to post here. The words and feelings expressed in my post, were mine and mine alone. Nothing regarding this issue was ever discussed between the two of us, except that he wanted me to approach you to work things out. Unfortunately, I'm a pussy.

As for the charge that I get mad because Nay won't help me, that is not accurate. My biggest frustration is that you want to act like an officer and a leader when you want the responsibility, but when you don't feel like it, you don't feel compelled to act as such. That's it. Nothing personal, I don't hold any grudge over the shoulders, and I'm certainly not gunning to get you out of the guild.

As a matter of fact, you are one of the people I most enjoy playing with. I still say, "Yesss!" in your signature style, I respect your opinion on warriors as much as anyone, and when you are tanking I have supreme confidence in your ability.

The example I used with Cleet and Gorehowl was not intended to downplay anything you did, just to point to an example of Usha being consistent with PVE loot priority.

As for the me as resto conflict we had, we talked for quite a while, but neither of us was hearing what the other was saying. My schedule doesn't permit me to be "The" resto druid. I knew I could not be depended on for 90% of the raids and did not want me absence to leave you guys lacking the HOTs that you wanted. This was before daily quests and with my schedule I didn't feel I would be able to afford to respec in my off time to arena the way I wanted. I have said numerous times I don't mind healing, and if that's what is needed, I will do it. Dailies have afforded me that luxury that I previously felt denied of.

All of this is a waste though Nay, if you walk away. If this whole thing is about a distrust between the two of us, then please know that I hold no ill will for you. You may chose not to believe it, but I can do no more to change your mind. I accept your apology for your comments and will extend one of my own. I apologize if I misunderstood your initial comments and for the unforeseen impact and I would also like to apologize to all the other officers for being drug into this.

I am far from perfect as an officer, and this thread proves it. I have felt horrible for two days because of this thread and all I can say is that I acted with no ulterior motives and certainly did not anticipate things reaching this magnitude.

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Post by Nayaru » Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:00 pm

I appreciate the apology swole, and yea its been bothering me too as well, sucks that a piece of gear has to lead to so much drama, but this subject had been actually on my mind for quite a while (specs). I've never had enough gold just til recently with the advent of dailies, to freely choose what specs to play and consumables, and gear/gems so i've always been stressed over it, and then the needle in the back when I first chose this class in the first place was to help you guys, no you swole this is far before you, but palin james wolves and knight.

I know wolves and knight prolly cant read this, but I thought out of everyone Palin would know how it feels to not be appreciated, or play a raid spec and still be looked down on. Because in our previous raiding guilds on andorhal you would be holy, but if anything ever went wrong all the blame would be placed on you guys, where it shouldn't be, on the contrary it shouldve been placed on the MS warriors who were trying to tank non Prot, or the non raid specs who couldnt dps fast enough or the idiots in general.

Also, when it came to the ONE dps piece i've gotten so far. That was on our FIRST clear of maulgar, on the FIRST day I was back, and I had no idea whatsoever of a dkp system. I was still under the impression we were under loot council. And if your saying we can't force tanking gear onto MT's thats a lie in itself. You can't honestly believe if a shield that drops that's yes dirt cheap even if its a prot piece be it 20 points in conjunction to other pieces being 45 to that boss, thats 20 points we're FORCED to use. If any of the MT's say 'ah ill pass' you honestly think the guild is gonna let them? Honestly? What if the situation came up where I did spend all my dkp on only dps pieces, then when it came around for prot pieces to drop and not have any points to lot them? Would you think people would be happy to see prot gear sharded, because a system allows it to be? I'm not saying i'm willing to do that, because thats the absolute worst thing I hate, and one thing that i've always hated about dkp systems.

And last but not least. When have you ever gotten into the position where you feel you have the right to remove or kick other officers who have built from the ground this guild with you. Even when I was the 'leader' I never once left you or james out of the mix, and if it were something important, I would ask swole or anyone who would be willing to listen. You are acting as of now like you have absolute power to do as you so wish. When did this stop becoming a joint effort? If anything if you wanted to 'cut' an officer a vote should be passed amongst the othe officers, and then a decision should be placed.

And the only reason I ever 'blew up' was in response to someone else that was completely uncalled for, and if you absolutely deny that, your the one wrong. I've never ONCE initiated a conversation in a 'blow up', where the conversation leads it may have.

You really shouldn't throw around the words 'ill remove you' too much also Palin, if you keep reiterating it, it gets stuck in peoples heads. Theres a big difference on how I say 'your cut' and how you say 'Ill remove you' when you have the intention to and are willing, you should be very careful on who you speak to. For one, you shouldn't throw these words so carelessly to me or swole, and so you dont get it confused this is no way a threat cuz you seem to misinterpret what I say alot, its more advice.
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